E-ISSN 2149-388X | ISSN 2149-0430

Editorial Policies

Most journals operate under the guidance of an editorial board, providing expert advice on content, attracting new authors and encouraging submissions. The editorial board, or (editorial) advisory board, is a team of experts in the journal's field.


Editorial board members:
Review submitted manuscripts
Advise on journal policy and scope
Identify topics for special issues, which they may guest edit
Attract new authors and submissions


Selecting editorial board members
Editorial board members are selected by the journal’s editor(s), with input from the publisher. Editorial boards generally undergo a complete revision every two or three years, with members joining, stepping down or continuing for another term. Changes also occur in the interim, for example, if a member resigns. A journal’s editorial board can affect its quality, so editors should consider the following:

  • Good Knowledge of research indicating guidelines
  • Active involvement in a relevant field of research
  • Long-time Membership in medical scientific associations
  • Published papers indexed in PUBMED and WEB of SCIENCE 
  • Having a good experience in the process of medical journal publishing.
  • Board members' expertise should represent the journal's scope
  • Representatives should be appointed from key research institutes
  • Former Guest Editors of special issues, and authors of key reviews, and top reviewers may be suitable
  • Existing board members may have suggestions for new members


If you’re interested in joining a journal’s editorial board, use the Journal Finder to locate the journal, and contact the editor via the Editorial Board listings.